The first Pakistani NGO of its kind
Location: Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Project Title: Grand Dream Mega Project
Name: Khan Bahadur Visionaries Welfare
Type: Non-Government charity organisation for welfare
Slogan: "Dream Infinite! Achieve Now!"
Vision: To increase the self esteem of people of Pakistan; put an end to corruption,
discrimination, social inequality, impatience, and intolerance; to promote a sense of personal choice, freedom, and self actualization; and finally change for a better, more peaceful, prosperous and wealthy developed Pakistan through provision of latest state of art facilities and opportunities.
Mission: To promote organisational membership and effectively run the organisation in a hygienic and secure environment.
Agenda: The aim is to provide equal opportunities (i.e. all genders, age groups, income groups, religious groups, disabled, etc) for unique educational self- development for people residing in Pakistan. Educational development will focus on an individual's personal development in such a way which makes a person not only an effective member of the society but also who is capable of bringing a positive change in the society.
Strategy: Informal practical educational system with experiential and inclusive learning.
1. Anyone can use the services according to their affordability (a certain percent of their income) without being a member upon the production of their identity card.
2. Women and children would be encouraged to use the services.
3. Everyone will get an equal opportunity to take part in the every section of the organisation but they must comply with the rules of the organisation (i.e. anyone who damages the property of the organisation or misuses the services would not be allowed to use the services. For example: tears pages of a book, does not take shower before swimming, damages the chairs in the networking area, or is violent at any point in time!).
4. The organisation would not have any political motives or political affiliation.
Membership Criteria:
1. There is no membership fee at this stage
2. The member must be honest, credible, trustworthy, enthusiastic, persistent, and motivated.
3. The member must provide a copy of their National Identity card.
4. Anyone from the world can become a member.
STAGE 1: Membership campaign We are at this stage
STAGE 2: Legal registration We are at this stage
STAGE 3: Initial meet ups (Volunteer work) We are at this stage
STAGE 4: Online working We are at this stage
STAGE 5: Plan and design building (considering designing land space for security purposes)
STAGE 6: Purchase land
STAGE 7: Construction
STAGE 8: Recruitment and selection of paid employees and volunteers
STAGE 9: Formal Functioning of the organisation
Philosophy Child Scholar's Institute (see recent news for update): https://childscholarsinstitute.wordpress.com/ https://web.facebook.com/global.children.united.Shifa.Asif.Philosophy/
Salma Chaudhry Dementia Carers (2 events done- see recent news and more news). Link: https://web.facebook.com/dementia.support.Lahore/
Saima Eman Adoptive Human's Rights Campaign Center (see online campaign) Link: https://web.facebook.com/groups/675529395957672/
Majeedan Bibi Pakistan Environmental Conservation (See one women campaign at more news and home page) https://www.facebook.com/KhanBahadurVisionaries/photos/
Asma Jahangir Women Empowerment Center https://www.facebook.com/KhanBahadurVisionaries/videos/836752179998462/
Noor Fatima Global Creative Thinkers Forum:https://www.facebook.com/events/311737312840106/?active_tab=discussion​ (Update: Check out for a new creative thinking competition on facebook)
Kaneez Fatima Empathy Museum (is being setup online)
Najma Chaudhry Confidence building center
Abdul Waheed Psychological Research Center
Alia Jilani Drama Studio
Raza Dean Multi-faith Chaplaincy
Rukshanda Waheed Health and Safety Awareness Society
Razia Khan Ethics Centre
Andrew Karate Forum
Sardar Aslam Lost and Found department
Balqees Chaudhry Elderly Befriending Scheme
Saima's Reader's Library
Manzur Fatima Husain Scholarship Center
Sherdil Asif Swimming pool
Shifa Asif Women Cycling Track
Jenni Football for Pakistani Women Society
Asif Waheed Farm House and Aquarium
Sakeena Bibi Language and Culture Celebration
Brig (Retd) Zafar Iqbal Writers' Desk
And a lot more....
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